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Post Contemporary Conservation Painting |By: Brooke E. Ryan 

Inverse Roots | Mixed Media | 2'x3'

Inverse Roots | Mixed Media | 2'x3'

This painting is an abstract representation of a photograph by Beth Moon. This tree is the oldest Bristlecone Pine located on Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado and is only feet from the tree line. This tree is over 2,000 years old.

Embryo Study | Acrylic | 19" x 29"

Embryo Study | Acrylic | 19" x 29"

Biologists in Ohio have been using all natural suppliments to help detoxify eggs, subject to soil contamination, layed by ground laying bird species.

Maine Mini | Acrylic | 18" x 24"

Maine Mini | Acrylic | 18" x 24"

Through the domestic breeding of animals like Mini Ponies, genetric diversity can be studied and breeding techniques allow us to learn more about the species in question.

Marilyn | Acrylic | 29" x 29"

Marilyn | Acrylic | 29" x 29"

An extremely common animal, like the domestic pig, can be subject to genetic bottlenecking.

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